Why An Outdoor Sign Is As Important As Your Website
All businesses with a brick-and-mortar location need a sign! Though we’re in the age of digital advertising, signage has remained just as important as even a business’s website. When it comes to your business’s signage, there are basic traits and commonalities when it comes to your signage:
Location is extremely important. Folks mean it when they say ‘location, location, location’. “Signs are among the most important elements of visual communication,” according to a 2012 study prepared by the Economics Center at the University of Cincinnati. The study also hammers home the importance of on-premises signage. “The visual communication provided by on-premises business signage is essential for the efficient function of our system of commerce and the success of many businesses.”
The 67-page study can be summed up with two main points about location. The first is, you must have signage in proximate location to your business, as most people shop where they live. The second is, you must have signage on site so that people actually know you exist.
Proper Sizing
The overall size of your signage is not as important as the size of the message within, for the most part. According to the United States Sign Council (USSC), detecting signage can be complicated!
“Detecting and reading a roadside on-premises sign by a motorist involves a complex series of sequentially occurring events, both mental and physical,” writes the USSC in its study on legibility rules. “They include message detection and processing, intervals of eye and/or head movement alternating between the sign and the road environment, and finally, active maneuvering of the vehicle as required in response to the stimulus provided by the sign.”
The size of the sign and the lettering actually cause people to either read your message or pass on by without ever knowing who you are.
Style is Key
The experts at ABC Signs know a thing or two about style. An attention gaining and motivating sign begins with great planning. Through our years of experience in the signage business, we’ve learned enormous amounts of knowledge when it comes to making great signs. Browse this section to learn more about the art of developing the perfect sign to meet your business goals, needs, and budget. Your great sign begins here!
It has more than been established that you must have signage for your business. It is as important as a website because it gives a glimpse of who you are and tells folks where you’re located. According to major publications and studies, signage can generate an additional 75% to your customer base so give us a call!