Marketing Tips to Improve Retail Sales during the Holiday Season
Last minute tips & tricks
It’s that time of year again! Time to ramp up your marketing to improve your holiday sales. I know what you’re thinking, but don’t sigh with angst yet. As a small to mid-sized business, you may be thinking that time and money stand in your way of implementing new and effective marketing tactics. You may have a legitimate concern, but you might want to consider the quick and affordable ways to better market your store!
At ABC Signs, we don’t just stop at signage when it comes to marketing your business! We thought that this year, we would review some easy, last-minute ideas to implement to get you and your customers in the holiday spirit!
- Do a last minute Facebook sponsored ad! What better way to get your last minute holiday deals out than with inexpensive advertising! For as little $5 a day, reach your best, potential customers!
- Entice new and old customers who are passing by with snacks and hot beverages, preferably something that gives off an enticing aroma.
- Are you supporting a charity this holiday season? Encourage users to bring in their items via social media, email marketing, on your website & even in-store to make sure that you’re able to help out those organizations to your full potential!
- Recognize the faithful customers and clients who keep you in business. Consider sending out holiday cards & gifts as a way to say thank you!
- Offer a discount to your loyal customers when they refer a friend this holiday season.
Did you know that 85% of your customers live within 4-mile radius of your business? Did you know that 50% of new customers learn about your business from your signage? Make sure that your signage is clean, legible & working! The folks at ABC Signs can help you with all of that. Want to start the New Year off right? Consider new and improved signage for your business.
Whatever your signage needs may be, contact ABC Signs. We wish you a Merry Christmas & a prosperous New Year!