spring signage

Spring is a time for sprucing up your business exterior with beautiful landscaping, building improvements, and a beautiful sign. Signage is an important part of your business because it draws attention to your building, guides customers to the correct place, reinforces your brand, and tells the world that you’re there!

Below, we’ve listed factors to consider when creating a sign for your business.

1. Clear Communication on a Clear Day

The sign for your building’s exterior should draw business from all directions. Your sign helps customers identify the location of your building and make the decision to visit the business. Some tips include:

  • Avoid excessive text and/or graphics. Print only the most necessary information on the sign. Excessive imagery and words can dilute your message and prevent the sign from doing its job.
  • Use clear branding. Use your business logo and colors. Avoid adding extra information. Let your brand speak for itself. This reduces cognitive overload and helps customers find your business.
  • Consider installing directional signage to point people in the right direction. Prevent people from getting lost when looking for your building. Install directional signage that makes the journey to your business easy.

Install safety standard signage. Signs also keep customers and employees safe. Install safety standard signage to help create order and prevent accidents.

2. Perfect Time to Present Your Brand

Statistics show signage plays a big role in directing foot traffic to your business, while interior signage assists in sales conversion.

  • Know who your audience is with each sign. How far away will they be when they see your sign? What are their needs? How long will they have to look?
  • Create the perfect message for each instance. Only include the most important information. Use as few words as possible and consider using images to tell your story.
  • Diligent design is crucial. If you’re able, work with a sign maker to create a design that is clean, clear, and uncluttered.

3. New Season, New Customers

Now that spring is here, it’s a great time to update old signs and draw in new customers. Exterior signage is important for making a good first impression. If your old sign is faded, broken, difficult to read, or no longer drawing in new customers, consider installing new, bold exterior signage to bring customers to your location.

At the same time, install new interior signage as well. Installing interior signage reiterates branding to help it “stick” in the minds of your customers. Match your interior and exterior signs with similar aesthetic qualities like color and font.

4. Spring Strategy Savings

Advertising is expensive and incurs costs over and over. Signage is an investment that represents a one-time cost. It’s more cost-effective than PPI (pay-per-impression) advertising. As you’re laying out your spring advertising budget, consider new sign installation for your business.

Contact ABC Signs to get started with a new look and new messaging for your business.

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